We Support Artists

Committed to Creating a Vibrant Art Community

Rochester Artist Collaborative (RAC) is committed to creating a vibrant art community. Founded in 2019 RAC is at the forefront of supporting the Artists & Creatives who significantly contribute to our city's cultural enrichment and economic development. We understand that Artists need resources, opportunities, and a supportive community to be successful.

RAC Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower Artists by providing them with the tools, resources, and opportunities necessary to thrive creatively and professionally. We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and dynamic environment where Artists can develop their skills, showcase their work, and connect with the community. Our goal is to create a lasting impact on the artistic landscape, ensuring that every Artist has the chance to succeed and contribute to the vibrancy of the arts in Rochester.

3 Benefits of RAC Membership

  1. Art Resource Hub: RAC offers an extensive Art Resource Hub, a treasure trove of tools and educational content tailored to the needs of Artists. The Resource Hub includes tutorials, articles, and guides on various artistic techniques and business practices, helping Artists refine their craft and navigate the complexities of the art world. Additionally, the hub provides information on grants, residencies, and other funding opportunities, ensuring artists have the knowledge to seek and secure financial support for their projects.

  2. Platform to Promote & Connect: Visibility is crucial for Artists, and RAC includes a dynamic platform to ensure wide exposure. Artists will benefit from regular posts on various social media channels, increasing their work's visibility and engagement with a broader audience. Each artist receives a dedicated profile on a well-curated website, which serves as a personal portfolio space and a point of connection with the community, potential collaborators, galleries, and collectors.

  3. Free Event Opportunities: Networking is vital to artistic growth and success. RAC includes access to various free events such as art showcases, talks, and workshops. These events are designed to foster networking opportunities with other Artists and professionals in the field and provide a platform for Artists to share their work, receive feedback, and engage with the public. These interactions can lead to collaborative opportunities, increased exposure, and direct engagement with audiences.

RAC Art Resource Hub

Rochester Artist Collaborative provides a suite of resources tailored for artistic and creative advancement. Our Art Resource Hub equips members with tools, networking opportunities, and expert insights to foster personal and professional growth.

Dive into a world of support designed to elevate your artistic journey.

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